Holy sheet!!XDXDXD
I loved this song.
I loved it to death.
No, I did not die in teh process of listening, but I sure came close to it.As x-X-FREAK-X-x stated, I pictured stuff like the one with the red alert, bomb, and such, but also something different.
You know teh Starfox games? If not, tisk, tisk! If so, then picture this: Fox and Wolf are at it again, and they're fighting in an asteroid field. It's very fast-paced, like extreemly fast-paced.
As Fox and Wolf dogfight (lol, pun), the camera zooms in and out on the highlights of teh fight, and the camera speeds up or goes slo-mo, all in accordance with teh music. The flying, maneuvers, gunshots, explosions all of it is going along with teh song.
Hey, if my animation software wasn't a piece o' crap freeware program, I would so do that.
By teh way, send me a message telling me how to get the program to create music. I would make such a great artist, if only I had teh chance to be one.
Do message me, will you, pleeeeeease?
Sincerely: guildassasan