dude, don't think that just cuz u got half stars at least that that's not terrible coming from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alright, first off, *sigh*, this was a great concept overall, now don't get me wrong! especially since I have forever been the biggest nerd/strtegy game fan out there, (in my own little world) so i'm not, "under the influence," right now, as im typing this review. like i said, this was a great concept, but the thing that makes me so annoyed is that man, U PUT 2 MUCH INTO THIS STORYLINE!!!! i mean COME ON!!!!
what i meant by that is the cutscene & breifing scene lengths!! if i wanted a final fantasy game, i would've gone out, rented one, and eventually broken the disk to pieces out of frustration (no offense to those of u who like that series, it's just different people have different opinions, and i have mine, and u have urs). i dont want to wait through those things in order to play, i just want to get down to brass tacks and start pwning with my awesome flying mecha-bots that were in the opening movie!!!!!!!
also, the whole A.I. command system was way off. i mean what's so wrong with a, "left click on unit desired, right click on enemy, that unit attacks specified enemy," kind of setup, like in most R.T.S.s today?!?!? and when u give the adjustments it takes an hour (which is the next part) for them to like recive the transmission ,then another to just go out and do it, leving u wide open for those few vital seconds.
as i stated, this part's about the framerate and game options (a lack thereof). first off, hwy not have the options in the main menu, huh? and also, i think the graphics, sound, and gmeplay variables ought to be in the pause/optins menu, which, like i said, should be both in the game and on the menu.
also, in most RTSs, u can create more than 1 unit at once, and while the units are being created, u can still access building optins. oh, and that reminds me, make all the upgrades available for purchase based on how much of a certain resource one has. this way, the things u upgrade & how are controlled by u, not done entirely in a list of upgrades set out by u, keeping ur average strategy-fan happy because the diversity of ur army and strategy is allowed to be more of just that, DIVERSE!!!!!!!!
also, just know that im not trying to be a total asshole, and yo prove it, a complement or 2 (or 3, if i can find a third one, that is!) from yours truly: well like i said the concept is awesome, that's the first thing that comes to mind............second...............
................... i liked the diverse types of units themselves, u know, like the fact u can make just about everything immaginable if u get the skizzlzzzzzzzzzz to do so............third..................
........ the enemy was a not retarded, not smart, semi-easy kind of easy on the first level, which doesn't pull out all the stops and kill gamers in 2 seconds, but also the steady, even incline of enemy difficuly throughout the levels was awesome, because it, like i said, won't surprise and frustrate gamers, rather, get them totally hooked, so they keep comin' back for moar.
im pretty much out of room, so ill stop it sure this must be painful for u guys to hear, but just keep in mind i did try to balance the rage with the instinct of helping people, and help, not so much as hurt, with the way i was criticizing u sorry if i was a bit 2 mean...just my nature!
im sure u could do better than some of the best game-makers out there, but u just gotta take our advice, and IMPROVE, IMPROVR, IMPROVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(this is a good start, nonetheless!)